Personal Growth

20 Fun and Fulfilling Ways to Spend Time Alone

Alone time is an important aspect of my life and it’s one of my biggest values. I’m an introvert, so I need alone time to recharge and reset myself. But I also just genuinely enjoy spending time alone. When I do things on my own, I feel like I have more choice and freedom, and I’m able to spend my time completely on my terms.

Maybe you’re thinking that doing things alone can get lonely, or maybe you just think it’s straight up weird to want to spend long amounts of time alone. But I truly believe spending time with yourself is essential for everyone. It allows you to care for your well-being, pay attention to your mental health, and create a deeper relationship with yourself. Spending time alone can spark so much personal growth and gives you a chance to connect to yourself on a deeper level.

There’s no shame in doing things alone. If you’re like me, you might find it intimidating to do things alone, especially in public. Even though I’m an introvert who loves spending time alone, I also deal with social anxiety which often makes me terrified of doing things on my own. In public situations, I’ve just always felt more comfortable if I have someone I trust to lean on. I’ve gotten a lot better at mustering the courage to do things on my own, but I totally understand why it can be a scary concept for some people.

It’s important to realize that you can be alone without being lonely. You can spend time with yourself in fun and fulfilling ways. And you don’t have to always depend on other people to join you in certain experiences in life. The most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself, so take the time to nourish and nurture it.

Related Post: What It’s Really Like to be an Introvert

Ready to take your alone time to the next level? Then read on for 20 ideas to make your alone time fun and fulfilling!

1. Take a solo trip.

I took a trip by myself for the first time in October 2018, and it was truly one of the best experiences of my life. Travelling alone allows you to cultivate self-awareness and sparks so much self-discovery. I believe it’s one of the best things you can do for your personal growth, and quite possibly the most fun and fulfilling way to spend time alone. 

Related Post: 7 Ways Travelling Alone Benefits Your Personal Growth

2. Go to a movie.

I bet when you see a movie at the movie theatre, you usually go with at least one other person, right? Going to the movies with others is fun, but going by yourself can feel so rewarding. You get to choose the movie without worrying about what anyone else thinks, and you don’t have to share your popcorn. I think that’s a pretty sweet deal!

3. Attend an event.

Going to an educational, professional, creative, or any other kind of event alone can seem intimidating. It’s definitely not an activity that’s usually at the top of my list. But I’ve done this a few times now and I’ve realized how much attending an event on your own can help you build your self-confidence, expand your awareness, and connect with new people. It’s still an experience that I’m not super comfortable with, but the more I do it, the more I can recognize the value and fulfillment this experience provides.  

4. Join a workout class.

Working out in the gym alone is great, but going to an exercise class on your own is a whole other experience. I started going to workout classes a few years ago and now I attend on a regular basis. It’s so exhilarating to be in a room of people who are all trying to better themselves physically. And it’s honestly just so much fun to dance your butt off in Zumba and find your flow at yoga. 

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5. Take a long drive.

As long as there isn’t too much traffic, taking a long drive by yourself can be super calming and peaceful. You get to choose the destination, or decide to just take your time with no place in mind. Plus, there’s no one around to judge your choice of driving music or podcasts which is an added bonus!   

6. Take yourself out to a restaurant.

Before I traveled on my own, the thought of going to a restaurant and asking for a table for one seemed ridiculous and terrifying to me. I thought I would be judged for eating alone, because going to a restaurant is something you do with your family or friends or significant other. But taking yourself out to a restaurant all by yourself is actually a great way to treat yourself, and isn’t as scary as it seems. And honestly, who cares if someone is judging you? Just sit back, enjoy your meal, and prove to the world how secure you are with yourself. 

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7. Chill out in a café.

Treat yourself to a lovely warm beverage and find a spot to work, read, or just chill out in a café. Certain cafés can provide a calming environment that’s perfect for some me time. 

8. Go shopping.

I seriously love shopping by myself. I can take my time, I have no one waiting on me, and I have total control over what stores I go to. Shopping by yourself can be just as fun as shopping with friends. You may have less help choosing what outfit to buy, but you’ll have more opportunity to listen to your own opinion and follow it.

9. Go for a long walk.

Taking a long, wandering walk on your own is a great way to connect with your thoughts and take a breather. When I go for walks, I love popping in my headphones and listening to a podcast, which is something I’d just feel downright rude doing if I was with someone else.

10. Visit a museum or art gallery.

Wandering through a museum or art gallery can be an incredibly calming and inspiring experience. I’m not the biggest history or art buff, but I can appreciate the beauty and wonder of everything in museums and galleries. It’s a very fulfilling activity to do on your own, and can make for a very fun outing.

11. Cook your favourite meal or try a new recipe.

I’m not the most experienced person when it comes to cooking, but if I’m home alone, I love cooking by myself. Whipping up your favourite meal or trying your hand at a new recipe can feel very freeing and fulfilling. Plus, you have no one to please but yourself, and no one to criticize you if you make a mistake!

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12. Have an at-home spa day.

Pamper yourself and break out those face masks, nail polish, and bath bombs you’ve been saving for a rainy day. You always deserve to treat yourself, and having a spa day at home alone can be a very fulfilling way to do that.

13. Take a hike in nature.

It’s quite liberating to explore nature on your own. Taking a hike outdoors is a great activity for the body and soul, and a very fulfilling way to spend time alone. Of course, when you’re by yourself, try to stick to the safer trails!

14. Run errands.

This might sound weird, but I love running errands by myself. You can go at your own pace without distraction, and you can do it your way. Finishing your errands can also help you feel more accomplished and motivated to power through the rest of your to-do list.

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15. Have a dance party.

Turn up the music and dance like no one is watching. Because when you’re alone, there truly isn’t anyone watching!

16. Read.

Reading is usually a solitary activity, which is probably why I love it so much. For all you book lovers out there, setting aside time to read all by your lonesome can be a fun and fulfilling addition to your day.

17. Write.

Pull out your journal or a piece of paper and free write. This is a great way to check in and connect with yourself. It also encourages self-reflection and can lead to much self-realization. All of this makes writing a very fulfilling way to spend time alone.

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18. Try a new hobby.

Trying out something new can be a very fulfilling way to fill your alone time. Dive into that activity or DIY project you’ve wanted to try. Don’t be afraid of messing up or looking like a fool, because when you do it alone, no one will be around but you!

19. Go to a live show or concert.

I love going to live shows and concerts. It’s so much fun to go with other people, but who says you can’t enjoy it alone too? The next time there’s a show or concert in town that you really want to go to but can’t find anyone else who’s interested, buy yourself a ticket and trust that you’ll still have fun.

20. Have a goal setting session.

This is probably one of the most fulfilling things to do during your alone time. Take this chance to reflect and set some goals and intentions for yourself. Doing this on a regular basis will allow you to connect with your authentic self, live more intentionally, and create the life you want to live.

Related Post: How to Set Intentional and Achievable Goals

The key to finding the most fun and getting the most fulfillment out of your alone time is to do whatever you feel called to do. Don’t worry about what anyone else may think and try not to always depend on the presence of others to have a good time. Spending time alone can be transformational for your relationship to yourself. So even if you’re not an introvert, and even if you don’t deal with social anxiety, you can still get so much benefit from indulging in a little (or a lot) of alone time.

What are your favourite things to do alone? I’d love to know!  



  • Kendall
    5 years ago

    I have done a concert by myself and I have to say that it was so amazing compared to what I thought it was going to be like. You’re not actually “alone” there are 20,000 other fans there for the same reason you are. And suddenly, you forget that you went there alone!

    • Shealyn Ivany
      5 years ago

      Yess that’s so awesome! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

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