Podcast Episodes

Oracle Card Readings to Set the Tone for a New Month

Oracle Card Readings to Set the Tone for a New Month

Every transition into a new month is an opportunity to check in with ourselves and set the tone for the days to come in whatever ways feel most empowering to you.

One of my favourite practices in my monthly ritual is reading oracle card spreads. So in this episode, we’re turning to the cards for some powerful messages to carry with us into the new month!

I pulled one card from each of these oracle decks:

  1. The Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell >
  2. The Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson >
  3. The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck by Kim Krans >

To hear each reading and listen in on the card you picked as your own, head to these times in the show:

  1. Rose Oracle – 6:15
  2. Divine Feminine – 11:53
  3. Animal Spirit – 19:17

Each reading was full of so much meaning, and I hope that whichever card you chose gave you some empowering messages to help you set the tone for the new month.

If you’d like to share what you got out of your reading, you can always email me at, follow me on Instagram @living.embrace, and visit my website

Thank you for listening!



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