Mental Health

8 Ways to Calm Your Overthinking Mind

I have always been, and probably will always be, someone who is prone to overthinking. I like to think of myself as a thoughtful and introspective person, but on the flip side, being in touch with my thoughts usually leads me to overthink just about everything. I overthink even the smallest of decisions and nearly work myself into an anxiety attack when I overthink the biggest of decisions.

I know from experience that it can be really hard to deal with an overthinking mind. Getting stuck in a never-ending spiral of your thoughts can even lead to stress, overwhelm, and anxiety. Overthinking can also hold you back from enjoying the present moment and appreciating your life.

If you struggle with an overthinking mind, remind yourself of this: you are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are just something that is happening to you. Even though it might feel like it sometimes, your thoughts do not have control over you. You always have the power to release yourself of your overthinking mind.

Freeing yourself from overthinking is no easy task, but there are certain things you can do to calm your thoughts. Read on for 8 ways to calm your overthinking mind!

1. Focus on one thought.

Having a hundred thoughts at once is bound to lead to overwhelm. So instead of falling into the pit of your thoughts, focus on one of them. Maybe pick the strongest one or the one that keeps coming back to you. Just focus on a singular thought and work with it.

This may be difficult, especially when you feel like you have an overwhelming amount of thoughts spinning in your mind. But focusing on one thought will help take away the feelings of overwhelm and allow you to calm your overthinking mind.

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2. Become an observer of your thoughts.

I learned this tactic when I went through mental health counselling, and I find that it’s one of the most useful ways to deal with your thoughts. Becoming an observer of your thoughts will take the power away from the thoughts and give it back to you.

Separating yourself from your thoughts and observing them almost as if they’re not your own is a great way to get perspective and regain control. It’ll take some practice, but it’s so worth it. I truly believe this is one of the most effective and sustainable ways to calm your overthinking mind. 

3. Breathe through it.

When you find yourself getting worked up into an overthinking frenzy, it might feel like the thoughts are coming at you faster and faster, and you may even start to go about your tasks quicker in an attempt to escape your thoughts. I’ve done this, and I’ve realized how unhelpful it is. Instead, try giving yourself a moment to slow down and just take a breath.

A few mindful breaths can ground you in the present moment and bring you a sense of calm. Breathing is one of those things that we take for granted, but when we bring our attention back to it, it can do some pretty powerful stuff, including bringing a sense of calm to your overthinking mind.

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4. Sit with your thoughts, listen to them, and try to understand them.

An overthinking mind can be overwhelming, and you might not even know where to begin to make sense of it all. You might even just want to ignore the thoughts or pretend they’re not there so you can move on with your day. But I’ve found it super helpful to just sit with my thoughts, listen to them, and try to understand them.

Take some time to reflect. What are your thoughts trying to tell you? Why are these thoughts coming up? Really listen to what these thoughts are saying and think about where they might be coming from. The process of self-reflection is a great tool to use when you’re dealing with an overthinking mind.

5. Journal it all out.

If you want to take your self-reflection to the next level, take some time to journal out your thoughts. Writing is a powerful tool for any area of your life that you’re trying to process, especially your overthinking mind.

Journaling can lead you to a deeper understanding and more realizations about your thoughts. It’ll also allow you to slow down and calm the never-ending spiral of thoughts zooming through your head.

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6. Focus on a calming task.

One of the least helpful things you can do when you get caught in an overthinking mindset is sit and fester in your thoughts without taking action to deal with them. If you really just don’t feel like reflecting, writing, or breathing through your thoughts in that moment, that’s okay. Focusing on a different task for a little bit can also be a big help.

Engaging with a calming task will give your mind something else to focus on for a little while. This is more of a temporary quick fix when dealing with an overthinking mind, but it’s still very useful.

7. Talk to someone.

Speaking your thoughts out loud with someone else is a really useful method to calm your overthinking mind. Talking to someone about the thoughts you’re having will help you slow down and get a fresh perspective.

The person you’re talking to doesn’t necessarily have to give you any sort of solution. Maybe just the act of talking about your thoughts out loud will lead you to your own realizations. In any case, it’s just nice to know that you have someone in your life who is willing to listen and support you through difficult times.

Related Post: How to Communicate About Your Mental Health with Your Partner

8. Refresh, rejuvenate, and relax.    

Overthinking can be exhausting. You may simply not have the energy to dive deeper into your thoughts, and that’s okay. I know how draining it can be to overthink things, and I’ve realized how valuable it is to just take time to refresh, rejuvenate, and relax from your thoughts.

Do whatever is the most refreshing, rejuvenating, and relaxing for you. Wind down from your thoughts and don’t let them dictate your mood or physical health. Sometimes, all you have to do is just step away and do whatever you can to bring yourself a holistic and deep sense of calm.

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Overthinking can be overwhelming, exhausting, and downright unpleasant. Our thoughts can be wild and unruly, especially if you live with mental health issues like anxiety and depression. I know how difficult it can be to deal with an overthinking mind, but it’s not impossible to calm it. Try some of these methods and see if they work for you!

What do you do when your mind goes into overthinking overdrive? Share your best tips! 



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