Mental Health

10 Daily Habits to Boost Your Mood

One of the harsh but true realities of life is that not every day is going to be a good day. Even if you don’t live with a mental health issue like anxiety or depression, your mood is bound to fluctuate. Chances are, you have experienced, and will experience, some days when you’re just in a bad mood.

It’s normal to have bad days, and even though they’re difficult to get through, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. You don’t have to force yourself to feel better or suppress your difficult emotions. I’m a big believer in feeling your feelings and listening to your thoughts before you take any steps to help yourself feel better. I know from experience how much more powerful and effective this is than ignoring or running away from your thoughts and emotions.

But of course, no one wants to stay stuck in a bad mood forever. When you’re ready to boost your mood, daily habits can be a big help. By bringing the most effective habits for you into your daily life, you’ll be able to boost your mood every day, not just on your bad days.

Daily habits can add so much value to your life, and help get your mood back on track when you need a boost. Ready to use your habits to their highest potential? Then read on for 10 daily habits that’ll boost your mood!

1. Keep a gratitude journal.

Reflecting on what you’re thankful for is a sure-fire way to boost your mood. Doing this on a daily basis will strengthen your sense of gratitude, help you gain perspective, and lead you to appreciate the small and big things in your life. Writing out what you’re grateful for is a great way to slow down and really process your thoughts, but if journaling isn’t your thing, even taking a few moments every day to think about what you’re grateful for will boost your mood. 

Related Post: 10 Mood Boosters for When You’re Feeling Low

2. Stretch and exercise.

For a lot of people (like me), it just isn’t realistic to find the time or energy to workout every single day. But taking even a few moments to stretch and move your body at some point each day can make you feel energized and refreshed. Stretching and exercising will give your mind and your body a boost, so it’s worth a shot to do your best to make moving your body a daily habit. 

3. Get outside.

You don’t need to go on a four hour hike in the forest every day to boost your mood (but if that’s your thing, you do you!). Taking a quick walk through your neighbourhood can be enough to re-energize your body and mind. Getting outdoors is so refreshing and will give your mood a boost to get through the rest of your day.

Related Post: How to Have an Effective Mental Health Day

4. Spend time with your pets.

If you have a pet, take advantage of the loyalty, friendship, and cuddles they bring into your life. Spending even just a few moments with my cat brings me so much joy and is a nice break from reality when I’m having a bad day. Make it a daily habit to spend time with your pets and watch your mood boost in great ways.

5. Get the right amount of sleep for you.

Getting enough sleep every night is a great way to help yourself feel better. Everybody’s sleep needs are different. For me, it’s ideal to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night. I try my best to get that much, because when I do I feel more energized and ready to conquer my day, but of course there’s nights when I don’t reach that goal. Do your best to make it a habit to get a decent amount of sleep so that you can boost your mood and use every day to its full potential.

Related Post: 10 Things to Remind Yourself on a Bad Mental Health Day

6. Talk to someone you love.

Talking to someone you love at least once a day can do wonders for your mood. It’ll help you feel less alone, gain perspective, and brighten your day. Even just a quick conversation with someone you love and trust can boost your mood for the rest of the day.

7. Eat healthy.

When you give your body proper nourishment, your mind will experience positive effects, too. That doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of the less healthy foods, because if you’re like me, chocolate genuinely makes your soul happy. The key is to balance those foods with the fruits, veggies, and whole grains your body needs in order to be healthy. This will in turn be a great way to boost your mood on a daily basis.   

Related Post: A Beginner’s Guide to Mindful Eating

8. Drink lots of water.

Water is like a magic elixir, and it’s so simple to make drinking water a daily habit. Get a reusable water bottle and you’re good to go. Drinking water will help you feel less sluggish and more energized, which makes it a great mood booster for your daily life.

9. Do something nice for someone else.

Even the smallest gesture for someone else can boost your own mood. Do something nice for a friend, a co-worker, a family member, or even a stranger. Small acts of kindness do wonders for the world and your overall sense of well-being.

10. Indulge in the tasks, practices, and experiences that make you truly happy.

Whatever these tasks, practices, and experiences are, do your best to make them more of a habit. You deserve to fill your days with as much joy, meaning, and fulfillment as you can. So if something makes you happy, do it! Make it a daily habit, because you deserve to feel good and boost your mood every single day.

Related Post: 9 Healthy Habits for Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Habits can feel hard to establish at first, but when practiced enough, they can become effortlessly ingrained in your everyday life. The right daily habits will have the potential to make you feel really good and boost your mood every day so that you can live your most meaningful and fulfilled life.

Do you have any habits that boost your mood? I’d love to know! Share in the comments below.



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