
10 Habits to Boost Your Mindfulness

One of my favourite mindset tools is the practice of mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness on a regular and consistent basis will add so much value, intention, and awareness to your life.

If you’re not sure what mindfulness is, I like to think of it as the act of being in the present moment and paying attention in an intentional way. It’s the ability to stop thinking about the past and future and appreciating the present instead. Mindfulness is all about connecting with your mind, body, and soul right here, right now.

Related Post: A Basic Guide to Mindfulness

I believe everyone can benefit from the powerful impacts of mindfulness. Bringing mindfulness into your life will have positive effects on your well-being, quality of life, and awareness of yourself and the world around you. In order to practice mindfulness on a regular and consistent basis, it’s super helpful to utilize intentional mindfulness habits.

Are you ready to bring more mindfulness into your daily life? Then read on for 10 habits that will be sure to boost your mindfulness!

1. Journaling.

Writing in a journal encourages self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-acceptance, all of which will help you live a more meaningful and aligned life. Journaling also grounds you in the present moment and forces you to slow down your thoughts, which can be a big help if you’re going through a tough time mentally or emotionally.

Turning journaling into habit is a great way to regularly process your emotions, listen to your thoughts, and have realizations that you might not have come to if you hadn’t put pen to paper.

2. Breathing exercises.

Breathing is a natural and integral human activity, and chances are you don’t really pay that much attention to it. You aren’t mentally reminding yourself to breathe; your body just knows.

Mindful breathing exercises can be as simple as paying attention to your inhales and exhales. You can try more measured breathing, like inhaling for four counts, holding for four counts, and exhaling for eight counts. Whatever exercise you try, paying attention to your breath will help you connect to your body and ground you firmly in the present moment.

Related Post: 5 Simple Mindfulness Activities for Your Daily Life

3. Practicing gratitude.

Taking time to reflect on what you’re grateful for on a regular basis will do wonders for your mindfulness. It can be easy to take the good parts of your life for granted, but making it a habit to recognize and appreciate these things will help you live more mindfully and find a deeper sense of fulfillment.

You can practice gratitude by keeping a gratitude journal, meditating on what you’re grateful for, or simply thinking about the aspects of your life that you’re thankful for. When you turn practicing gratitude into a habit, you’ll be able to shift your mindset and appreciate the here and now in transformative ways.

4. Monotasking.

In today’s fast-paced and overly stimulating world, it can become so easy to get caught in the trap of multitasking. You might feel like you’re getting more done, but you’re probably just wearing out your attention, lessening your focus, and not using your time and effort in a mindful way.

It’s okay to multitask sometimes. I’m definitely guilty of it. Sometimes, multitasking just feels necessary and hard to avoid. But when you make it a habit to monotask instead of multitask, and focus on one thing at a time, you’ll not only increase your mindfulness, but also your productivity and intention.

Related Post: 8 Ways to be Mindful During Times of Stress and Overwhelm

5. Noticing your surroundings.

When life gets busy, it can be easy to go about your day distracted and not paying much attention. I have some days where I feel like I’m cruising on autopilot all day, just going through the motions, getting lost in my thoughts. I don’t take the time to intentionally notice my surroundings and what’s happening around me.

Days like that can really disconnect you from your mindfulness. Slowing down, connecting to the present moment, and actually noticing the world around you will help you live much more mindfully.

6. Stretching and practicing yoga.

Taking time out of your daily life to stretch or practice some yoga is a great way to boost your mindfulness. You’ll feel more connected to your body and more calm in your mind. It’s also a great way to take a break from the whirlwind of a busy day and ground yourself back into the present moment.  

Turning this into a habit will help you slow down, rejuvenate, and release whatever tension you may be holding in your body and your mind.

Related Post: 9 Healthy Habits for Your Mind, Body, and Soul

7. Shaking up your routine.

I love routines and believe there’s a lot of value in creating and sticking to them. But I’ve also realized that changing things up every now and then can actually be a very mindful thing to do. When done enough, routines can become mindless, and you might just stick with them because you feel like you have to. 

Shaking up your routine every now and then will help you become more aware of how you spend your time. Plus, it’ll give you a chance to refresh your habits and live more intentionally.

8. Paying attention during mundane tasks.

Mundane tasks like chores, work tasks, and even brushing your teeth take little to no thought or energy simply because you’ve done them so many times. But paying attention while doing these tasks, no matter how boring they may be, can really boost your mindfulness.

The next time you’re doing a mundane task, notice your actions. Become aware of how you feel, what you’re doing, and the space around you. Doing these mundane tasks mindfully will get you out of your head, off of auto-pilot, and into the present moment.

Related Post: A Beginner’s Guide to Mindful Eating

9. Consuming social media and using technology intentionally.

While disconnecting from social media and technology for a long period of time is beneficial in a lot of ways, sometimes it might just not be realistic. If you’re not ready to quit cold turkey, start with treating social media and technology intentionally.

Instead of mindlessly reaching for your phone or scrolling social media, set aside a designated time in your day to spend with it. Also, decide roughly how much time you realistically want or need with it. This will prevent you from losing track of time and all of a sudden realizing you’ve been staring at your phone for over an hour. Mindfully consuming social media and using technology will help you be more intentional with your time and energy, and free you up to do more with your day.   

10. Spending time alone. 

Having some alone time is one of the best ways to reconnect with yourself. Remove yourself from the noise and distractions of the world and make it a habit to be with yourself, whatever that means for you.

Spending time alone will give you the time and space to check in with yourself, reflect on how you’re really feeling in this time of your life, and connect with your mindfulness in fulfilling and meaningful ways.

Related Post: 20 Fun and Fulfilling Ways to Spend Time Alone

Mindfulness is a powerful mindset tool and lifestyle shift that can add so much value to your daily life. The best part is, you can bring mindfulness with you wherever you go! You don’t have to set aside time for it or write it into your schedule. When you use the right habits and practice them enough, mindfulness will fit seamlessly into your life.

What habits do you practice that boost your mindfulness? I’d love to know!



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