Mental Health

10 Mood Boosters for When You’re Feeling Low

Low moods are an unfortunate side effect of dealing with mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Sometimes, low moods can pop up out of nowhere, for no reason. Low moods can leave you feeling sad, lonely, depressed, lost, disconnected, or numb. I frequently find myself stuck in a low mood, and trust me, it ain’t fun. Sometimes, the only thing you can do is hide away, let the low mood run its course, and wallow in all your emotions. When you’re feeling low, you don’t need to immediately try to lift yourself out of that mood. Allow yourself to feel all of your emotions, and give yourself whatever you think you need in that moment. For me, that usually means hiding in my room, lying on my bed, and crying. I’ve learned that in order to get past these low moods, I need to release my emotions. When I try to force myself to feel better as soon as I start to feel low, I end up feeling worse.

I believe in the therapeutic benefits of feeling your feelings and allowing yourself to release your emotions, but I also believe it’s unhealthy to sit with your low mood for a prolonged amount of time. Eventually, you just have to find ways to deal with and escape your low mood. When you’re ready to pick yourself up and out of your low mood, there are many things you can do to make yourself feel better. Let’s explore ten mood boosters you can try when you find yourself feeling low.


Laughing makes everything seem better. When you’re feeling low, try to induce some laughter by watching funny videos, spending time with someone who always makes you laugh, and just being silly for a little while. Try not to take life too seriously. I know this can be difficult, especially when you’re feeling low. But laughter is one of the most accessible mood boosters to help cure a low mood, so why not try it out?

2. Drink a warm beverage.

When I feel low, sometimes all I want to do is get cozy and warm. Drinking a warm beverage like tea or hot chocolate can bring you a sense of calm and comfort. These feelings are a great antidote when dealing with a low mood.

3. Get outside.

This one may take a bit more convincing. I know that when I feel low, the last thing I want to do is go out in public and brace the harshness of the outside world. I’d much rather hide away in a dark corner where no one can find me. But spending time outdoors, especially when the weather is nice, is a great way to refresh yourself when you’re feeling low. Try to find a quiet spot in a forest, park, or by a lake, away from the noise of urban life. There’s a calmness and peacefulness in spending time in nature. Take it from someone who lets her low moods convince her that the outside world is a scary place: it’s really not, and if you find the right spot, spending time outdoors may be a very successful mood booster.

4. Move your body.

When I find myself in a low mood, I often get really lazy. I just want to sit around and do nothing. And that’s okay for a little while, but I know eventually I’ll have to move again. Moving your body may be the last thing on your mind when you’re feeling low, but it can actually really help. Go for a walk, do a mini workout, stretch, dance, do yoga. Just get up and do whatever you can to get your blood flowing. This can benefit not only your body but also your mind. If you’re like me, you’ll be resistant to it at first, but just keep going with it, and hopefully you’ll start to see some improvement in your low mood.

5. Put on one of your favourite songs and sing along.

The right song can work wonders for a low mood. Pick one or a few of your favourite songs, play it loud, and sing along. Doing this might help you feel rejuvenated and energized. It can also be a good emotional and mental release. Music is one of the many medicines for your soul, and can be a great mood booster when you’re feeling low.

6. Do something good for someone else.

If you don’t have the willpower to help yourself, then try helping someone else. Do a small good deed for a stranger or help a friend who is struggling with something. Even the smallest acts of good for others can help you feel better about yourself. And the mood boost you get from helping someone else may just give you the motivation to pull yourself out of your low mood.

7. Plan for the future.

When I’m feeling low, I find it difficult to picture life outside of my low mood. Everything in my life gets clouded over by my anxiety and stress and fears, and I convince myself I’ll never escape. To take me out of my low mood in the present, I sometimes find it helpful to fantasize and make plans for the future. I make small plans and big plans, think about activities I could do and trips I could take. I make a list of goals and dreams and hopes for the future. Some of these plans might never actually happen, but when you’re feeling low, picturing possibilities for the future might take you out of your present emotional state and give you a little hope.

8. Look back on fond memories.

Just like planning for the future, looking back on the past also helps remove the intensity of your present low mood. Remember the times in your life when you felt happy, fulfilled, and inspired. Nostalgia brings a sense of comfort that can be so helpful when dealing with a low mood. Looking back on fond memories is also an excellent reminder of the times when you didn’t feel low, and the things you can try to do in order to get out of your low mood.

9. Spend time with loved ones.

When you’re feeling low, maybe all you want to do is be alone, and that’s okay. But remember that you don’t have to suffer on your own. Seek help from others when you need it. Talk to your loved ones and people you trust. If you don’t want to explain how you’re feeling, just spend time with them and talk about other things. Remind yourself you’re not alone in this and there is help available to you, whether it’s your friends and family, or the help of professionals. Knowing you’re not alone can be a great mood booster for when you’re feeling low.  

10. Give yourself a pep talk.

Low moods are a breeding ground for negative and unhelpful thoughts directed at yourself. When I feel low, I fall into the trap of telling myself I’m weak, worthless, and stupid. I convince myself I’ll never amount to anything and I’ll always be the victim of my own emotions. Talking to myself in this way is pretty painful. Instead of falling into this mode of thinking, try to flip the switch and be kind to yourself. Say positive things to yourself, remind yourself of your strength and power and beauty, and resist the urge to bring yourself down. Believing in yourself is quite possibly the most powerful mood booster to help get you out of a low mood.

Low moods may feel controlling, overwhelming, and extremely difficult to handle, but there are ways to cope. You don’t have to feel low forever. Try these tips, come up with a few of your own, and find the mood boosters that work for you so you can kick that low mood to the curb.



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