
9 Morning Self-Care Practices to Kick-Start Your Day

Mornings can feel hectic, rushed, and out of your control. It might seem like the least realistic time for you to practice self-care, especially when you’re juggling a lot of different obligations and responsibilities. I can totally relate. On the days I have to go to work, I usually wake up with just enough  time for me to freshen up, get dressed, and eat breakfast before I have to head out the door. There’s very little time for any sort of self-care practice.  

It’s understandable that there just isn’t enough time for self-care on most of your mornings. But every now and then, try to be more intentional with your morning. How you spend your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, so it’s worth a shot to rethink your morning routine. Practicing self-care in the morning will positively prepare you for your day, so even though it might seem unrealistic because of the various responsibilities and obligations that come with most mornings, try to slow down and bring self-care into a few of your mornings. Here are nine morning self-care practices to help you kick-start your day.

1.Eat breakfast.

The morning is probably the most essential time to nourish your body. It’s important to eat breakfast every day, but on the days when you’re feeling rushed, you may not put as much thought or time into what you eat and drink. On the mornings when you have more time for self-care, take some extra time to make and enjoy your breakfast. Eating a good breakfast is one of the best things you can do to kick-start your morning.  

2. Take a few mindful moments.

Practicing mindfulness in the morning is a great way to connect with your intentions for the day. You can do this through meditation, or even just taking a few extra moments in bed after your alarm goes off. Use this time to reflect, connect with yourself, and mentally prepare for the day. Mindfulness is a great addition to your self-care, and can add a lot of meaning to your morning.  

3. Do some form of physical activity and get your blood flowing.

This doesn’t mean you have to wake up super early and head to the gym every morning. A morning workout can be a great way to boost your energy for the day, but if that isn’t your thing, try smaller and gentler types of physical activity. Taking a few minutes to stretch when you wake up is a great way to release any tension or kinks in your body from the night. Shake the sleep out of your body, get your blood flowing, and charge ahead into your day.  

4. Write in a journal.

Try to find a few minutes in the morning to free write. This is most effective if you do it pretty soon after waking up because your mind is fresh and rejuvenated from sleep. Write down whatever is on your mind, how you’re feeling, or even a list of what you have to do that day. Journaling is a great self-care practice to do in the morning because it helps you connect with your mindset and set your intentions for the day.  

5. Read.

When practicing self-care in the morning, stimulate your mind by taking some time to read. Pick up a book, open an article on your computer, or even scroll through some inspirational and motivational captions on social media. I find that reading fiction in the morning is a nice little escape before the reality of the day. Reading in the morning will help you wake up and prepare your mind for the rest of the day.

6. Listen to inspirational podcasts.

One of my favourite things to do in the morning is listen to a podcast. Podcasts are great because you can have them playing in the background while you go about your morning routine, so you can bring this self-care practice into your morning even when you feel like you don’t have time for self-care. Listen to podcasts that inspire you, motivate you, and get you excited to face the day.   

7. Plan out your day.

I’m sure everyone has mornings when you wake up and immediately feel stressed because of all the things you need to get done that day. When this happens, it’s helpful to take some time to make a game plan for your day. Writing out your tasks for the day and creating a to-do list will help you visualize your plan, and having it all laid out in front of you instead of jumbled in your mind might make it easier to handle.  

8. Do one thing that makes you smile.

There’s nothing worse than waking up grumpy, sad, or stressed. On the mornings that this happens, try to do something that brings you joy and makes you smile. Even the smallest mood booster can have a positive impact on the rest of your day.

9. Check in with yourself.

Before the rush and chaos and responsibilities of the day begin, take a few quiet moments to yourself. Check in with your mind, your body, and your emotions. It’s easy to neglect ourselves in the busyness of the day, so the morning is a great time to slow down and reflect on how you’re feeling.

Mornings don’t always have to be stressful or rushed. Waking up a few minutes earlier than usual to squeeze in some time for self-care can have a positive impact on the rest of your day. You don’t have to do it every day, but try it out for a few mornings. Find out the self-care practices that work for you, incorporate them into your morning, and kick-start your day.



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