Personal Growth

How to Stay on Track with Your Goals

Setting the goal is the fun part, but the journey towards achieving it is where the real work comes in. When you’re working towards a goal, it can sometimes be hard to stay on track all the time. In fact, it’s probably unrealistic to think you will always stay on track.

It’s okay to fall off track with your goals. It’s part of the process. Of course, you’re aiming for success and you want to reach your goals in the most effective and painless way possible, but you can’t beat yourself up when setbacks or a change of course occurs.

Your goals give you purpose in life, and if they’re truly meaningful to you, you’ll do anything you can to reach them. All you can do is try the best you can to stay on track. And there are many things you can do when you’re working towards a goal that can help you with that.

Ready for some methods that’ll help keep you on track to achieve your goals? Then read on to learn all about how to stay on track with your goals!

Remind yourself of your “why”.

Your goals are important to you for a reason. You wouldn’t have set them if they weren’t meaningful to you. If you find yourself losing your motivation or determination, remind yourself of your “why”.

Why is this goal important to you? What would achieving it add to your life? Why did you set this goal in the first place? Reminding yourself why you started is a great way to reignite your dedication and productivity when you’re working towards achieving a goal.

Related Post: How to Set Intentional and Achievable Goals

Break down your big goal into manageable tasks.

If you have a big, long-term goal, it’s probably impossible for you to reach it in one go. Expecting too much of yourself and thinking this goal will be achieved in a short time is unrealistic. And when you’re not able to fulfill your unrealistic expectations, your belief in yourself could be impacted in a very negative way.

Decide what small tasks you can do to take the steps needed to reach your goal. It may take longer than just doing everything all at once, but try to enjoy the process and recognize that every small thing you do is bringing you closer and closer to achieving your goal. 

Dedicate your time to it.

Life is busy, distractions might pull you away, but when you’re serious about a goal, it’s crucial to make time to put in the work needed to achieve it. Remember, your goals are important to you, so even though you may have tons of other responsibilities and obligations and areas of your life that need your attention, always do your best to set aside time to work on your goals.

The fact of the matter is, if you don’t dedicate your time to it, it’s not going to happen. So do whatever you need to do to fit it into your life. Write it into your calendar, set aside non-negotiable time for it, and stay dedicated to the work needed to bring your goals to life. 

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Prepare for setbacks and treat them intentionally.

The journey towards achieving a goal won’t always be easy. It can actually be really difficult and littered with setbacks. These setbacks might be unavoidable and totally out of your control. When they happen, it can be too easy to feel bad about yourself and lose your motivation.

Since setbacks are practically bound to happen, the best thing you can do is prepare yourself for them mentally and emotionally before they happen, and treat them intentionally when they do happen. Experiencing setbacks does not make you a failure and they do not make your goal any less achievable. Treat your setbacks as learning experiences and opportunities to re-evaluate your plan. When you approach your setbacks intentionally, you’ll be able to get past them quicker and more effectively. 

Track your progress and setbacks.

When you’re working towards a goal, it can be super helpful to take the time to track your progress and setbacks. Take stock of what you’re accomplishing, and also what you’re struggling with. Reflect on what’s working and what isn’t. Appreciate your progress and learn from your setbacks.

Reflecting on and evaluating your progress and setbacks is a very helpful way to check in with yourself, become aware of the process, and learn from the journey of working towards your goals. It’ll also help you release yourself of the constant productivity mindset and instead work on your goals intentionally.   

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Celebrate your small wins.

You may think a celebration is only earned when you reach your final goal. But who says you need to wait until the finish line to celebrate? Acknowledging, appreciating, and celebrating your small wins along the way is probably my favourite way to stay on track with your goals.

Celebrating your small wins on the journey towards your bigger goal will ignite your motivation and determination to keep on going. Even the smallest wins deserve to be celebrated because they represent the steps you’re taking to achieve your goal. Plus, you always deserve to treat yourself for all your hard work!

Re-evaluate your plan of action.

The game plan you created for yourself when you set your goal won’t always stay the same as you get deeper into the process. It might need some tweaking along the way because of setbacks, realizations, or a change of heart.

Needing to change up your plan does not mean you’re a failure. In fact, re-evaluating your plan of action could be just the thing you need to bring you closer to your goal in a more effective way. Allow yourself to ride with the ebbs and flows of life, and don’t let a change of plans make you fall off the track towards your goal.

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Keep yourself accountable.

I’m pretty sure we’ve all been hit by the procrastination bug before. When you’re working towards a goal, you might find yourself procrastinating, putting off tasks to do later, convincing yourself you don’t have time to get it all done. These are normal thoughts to have, but they can really threaten to push you off track with your goals.

If you need a break, take it. But also learn how to become aware of the thoughts that try to hold you back from working on your goals, and do whatever you can to keep yourself accountable. Keeping yourself accountable for the work you need to do to reach your goals will help you stay on track and keep your sense of momentum.

Be kind to yourself.

The path towards a goal is winding, bumpy, and unpredictable. You can do all the planning and preparing possible, but chances are something will happen at some point that will make you feel like you’re falling off track. When that happens, you might want to just give up and abandon your goal altogether.

When you’re working to reach a goal, it’s essential to be kind to yourself, especially when things aren’t going as planned. Notice how you talk to yourself when things aren’t working out, and shift your mindset so that you can recognize these difficulties, learn from them, and continue on your path in spite of them.

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Setting and working towards goals is one of the best ways to add purpose to your life. Even though the road towards achieving a goal can be difficult at times, there are things you can do to help keep yourself on track. Try out these methods, try a few of your own, and do whatever works for you so that you can set yourself up for success and reach those big goals of yours!

How do you keep yourself on track with your goals? Leave a comment below and let me know!



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