Mental Health Personal Growth Wellness

How to Discover and Align with Your Soul Purpose

One year ago today, I launched Living Embrace. So much has happened since then, and I’m grateful for all of it. The progress and the setbacks, the moments of learning and realization, and the opportunities, connections, and experiences I’ve had since launching this website have propelled me so far forward on my self-development and personal growth journey. What started as a little blog for me to share my writing has turned into more than I ever thought it would.

Most importantly, everything I’ve experienced since launching this website has enhanced my relationship to myself. I’m in a much better place than I was just a couple years ago and I feel more connected to myself than I ever have before. I’ve realized how crucial it is to cultivate a strong sense of self if you want to live a life full of meaning, fulfillment, and purpose.

The greatest gift this journey has given me is a deeper understanding of my soul purpose. After spending so much time feeling lost, uncertain, and confused about my place in this world, I finally know the reason why I’m here. Because of all the inner work I’ve done (and continue to do), I’ve discovered how I want to make an impact, create an income, and live my life. And I’ve found the calling that aligns so seamlessly with all of that.

I’m now certain that life coaching is what I’ve always been meant to do. I’m here to help people enhance their sense of self so they can live with more meaning, fulfillment, and purpose. I also know that I’m here to empower others through my writing and speaking, to start my own business, to have experiences with myself and those I love, to create genuine connections with others, to help people make the most of their time on this earth, and to create an abundant life for myself on my terms.

Your soul purpose is what you are here in this lifetime to do. It is your reason for being. Finding your soul purpose is a process, and I believe it happens differently for everyone. You might have multiple soul purposes, or your soul purpose may change as you go through different phases of life. Your soul purpose is dynamic and will probably evolve, just like you. But it’s always at the core of your being, even if you don’t realize it.

No matter who you are, you have a soul purpose. I believe there are certain things you can do mentally, physically, and emotionally that’ll lead you towards a deeper connection with your soul purpose. If you’re not sure what yours is, this post is for you. Read on to learn all about how to discover and align with your soul purpose! (And stay tuned until the end for an exciting new freebie!)

How to Discover and Align with Your Soul Purpose

Most importantly, the best way for you to both discover and align with your soul purpose is to cultivate a deep sense of trust.

Trust in yourself and in the universe. Trust that you have the answers within you and know everything will happen the way it’s meant to. Trust that you are always where you are meant to be. Self-trust and a trust in any higher powers you believe in are crucial to discovering and aligning with your soul purpose.

First, let’s get into some things to keep in mind that’ll help you discover your soul purpose.

Engage with your self-reflection.

Self-reflection is a powerful tool and mindset practice that’ll lead you to a deeper sense of self-awareness. Notice what calls to you, become aware of what you enjoy, and reflect on who you really are as a person. Cultivating your self-awareness through intentional self-reflection will lead you to create a fuller understanding of yourself. This will have positive impacts on every other area of your life, especially your journey towards discovering your soul purpose.

Decide what your values, needs, and beliefs are.

Your values, needs, and beliefs are a direct reflection of who you are as a person. Knowing them will help you manage your time, protect your boundaries, and honour your energy. It’ll also bring you closer to discovering your soul purpose. Connecting the dots between your values, needs, and beliefs can bring you insights into the bigger picture of how you want to live your life and how that plays into your soul purpose.     

Try new, exciting, and scary things.

In order to discover your soul purpose, you’ll probably have to do some experimenting. Trying new things and exploring different options can help you discover what it is you’ve always been meant to do. Expand your comfort zone and be open to new things. Your soul purpose might just be something you never even knew existed. When you widen your horizons, you’ll open yourself up to all the possibilities waiting to be discovered by you.

Question the stories you’ve internalized.

Unlearning and re-evaluating what you’ve internalized as truth since childhood is an important part of discovering your authentic self. Question the limiting beliefs or stories put onto you as a child about the world, other people, or yourself. Releasing yourself of these and expanding your thinking will help you realize what you actually believe in. And knowing what you really believe in will help bring you closer to discovering your soul purpose.

Be open to signs from the universe.

You don’t have to be particularly spiritual or religious to do this. Simply open your mind to the signs you receive in life. Listen to whatever higher power you believe in. And have faith that those signs are coming to you for a reason, and might just be pushing you ever so closer towards discovering your soul purpose.

Now let’s talk about some ways to help you align with your newfound soul purpose.

Continue self-reflecting, introspection, and checking in with yourself.

Engaging with your self-reflection will ensure that the actions you take are most aligned with your authentic self. In order to stay aligned with your soul purpose, check in with yourself frequently to make sure it still feels right for you. We are constantly growing and evolving so it makes sense that our soul purpose will change along with us. It’s okay to shift your purpose around to make sure it matches with where you’re currently at in life, and that starts with taking time for self-reflection.  

Release and receive.

One of the most powerful things you can do in your life is the practice of releasing and receiving. In order to align with your soul purpose, ask yourself what you need to release so you can make enough time, space, and energy for you to fully receive what is needed to live out your soul purpose. What you release can be physical, mental, emotional, or anything else that you feel isn’t in alignment with your soul purpose. When you do this, you’ll create more space to receive everything that seamlessly connects with your soul purpose. 

Protect your boundaries.

Boundaries are crucial when trying to stay in alignment with anything that is important to you in life. Sticking to your boundaries will help ensure that you have enough time, space, and energy to dedicate to your soul purpose. Without your boundaries, you are more likely to become vulnerable to external forces that can pull you away from your authentic self.  

Learn as much as you can and ask for help when you need it.

There is so much power in learning. If you feel like something is calling to you, learn as much about it as you can. And more importantly, learn in the ways that feel most authentic to you and don’t force yourself to follow a model that doesn’t feel right for you. Also remember you don’t have to go through this alone. Learn from others who have walked a similar path and lean on your loved ones for support. And always make sure the learning you do and the help you receive fully aligns with who you are and how you want to live out your soul purpose. 

Do practices to connect with your soul in ways that feel authentic to you.

In order to stay in alignment with your soul purpose, it’s important to continually stay connected to your soul. We all connect to our soul in different ways. Find the methods and practices that work best for you. You could try journaling, yoga, tarot and oracle card reading, meditation, exercise, mindfulness…the list is endless. Decide what these soul-centred practices are for you and bring them into your daily life as much as you can so you can keep your soul awake and stay aligned with your soul purpose.  

Lastly, here are some DON’Ts to keep in mind on your journey to living out your soul purpose.

Don’t lose trust or faith.

Always return to your trust and faith. Trust yourself and the flow of life. Have faith that things will always work out the way they’re meant to. Without trust or faith, discovering and aligning with your soul purpose won’t be as enjoyable or fulfilling as it could be.

Don’t explain or justify yourself to others.

Some people might not understand the journey you’re on or the goals you’re trying to manifest.  And that’s okay. The only approval you need is your own. Resist the urge to explain or justify yourself to the people who just can’t recognize the power of your soul purpose. This is your life, not theirs.

Don’t neglect the steps you know you need to take to bring your goals to life.

Discovering and aligning with your soul purpose is not an overnight process. Don’t give up. It’ll take work, but as long as you stay soul-centred and connected with yourself, you’ll be okay. All big goals need to be broken down into smaller goals, and the goal of living out your soul purpose is no exception.

Don’t get caught up in the “shoulds”.

Getting caught up in the “shoulds” will halt your growth, take you further away from yourself, and frankly crush your soul. Instead of spiralling into thoughts of what you “should” do and how you “should” live your life, focus on what you really want. Do what feels best for you. Your soul purpose may not match up with the various “shoulds” that are placed upon us in life, but that’s okay. Carve your own path and live your life the way you want to live it.

Don’t underestimate the power of living out your soul purpose.

It can be easy to find yourself living on autopilot, always taking the practical route, and neglecting your innermost desires. You may know your soul purpose but doubt that you have the time, energy, or resources to live it out. You might start making excuses and talking yourself out of it. All of this is a reflection of your subconscious belief that your soul purpose doesn’t matter, and that you don’t matter. Stop that nonsense. You matter. Your soul purpose matters. There is so much power in choosing yourself and living out your soul purpose.  

I can’t express how grateful I am for this gift my life has given me. Knowing my soul purpose and taking the steps towards living it out has reignited my passion in life. I have a deeper understanding of who I am and how I want to live my life. And I just wish everyone could feel this way, too.

If you’re feeling lost, unsure, confused, and like you want to just give up and give in, I see you. I’ve felt that way too. And I want you to know that there is hope. Discovering and aligning with your soul purpose might not always be easy, but as long as you trust in the process, and trust in yourself, you’ll eventually be led towards a life you never knew was possible.

I hope these methods help guide you along your journey towards your soul purpose. If you want to dive even deeper into discovering and aligning with your soul purpose, be sure to sign up for the Living Embrace Soul Purpose Guidebook below!   



  • Bern
    4 years ago

    I Shealyn, thanks for writing this article! I think it’s important to try new things in order to discover what may be calling to you, that is something I would like to work on more. I also liked how you said not to lose faith or trust. These are both things I can work on for sure. Have a great day love! -Bern

    • Shealyn Ivany
      4 years ago

      Thanks so much Bern! I love that this post inspired you 🙂

  • Ashley
    2 years ago

    Love the guidance you share here, I so relate to soul purpose possibly being you didn’t even know existed! There are so many different things outside of our comfort zone that can later become comfort.

    • Shealyn Ivany
      2 years ago

      Thank you so much Ashley! It’s so true that your soul purpose can be something you never would have expected, and I love that idea of things outside of our comfort zone eventually becoming our comfort. Thank you for this thoughtful response, I’m so glad this post resonated with you! 🙂

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