Mental Health

How to Communicate About Your Mental Health with Your Partner

When you struggle with mental health issues like anxiety and depression, it can be really difficult to open up to others about it. You might feel like no one will understand, you won’t be able to express yourself properly, and trying to talk things out will only make you feel worse. I completely understand what this is like, because I’ve thought all of these thoughts. I still struggle with being open about my anxiety and depression with my loved ones, but I’m realizing how important and helpful it is to let people in sometimes. Even if they don’t understand exactly what you’re going through, at least they’re there to listen and remind you that you’re not alone.

Communicating with friends and family about your mental health can be very helpful, but I’ve also realized how helpful it is to open up to your partner. Having the support of your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife is a huge help when dealing with mental health issues.

I’ve been with my boyfriend, Andy, for just over five and a half years now. It took me awhile to open up to him about my mental health, not because I didn’t feel comfortable around him or didn’t trust him, but because I just wasn’t ready to open up to anyone about my anxiety and depression, let alone the boy I was in love with. But I’m so glad I finally found the courage to let him in. I’m grateful for his love, support, and comfort every day. He’s there for me during my best times and my worst times, and even though he doesn’t always understand what I’m going through, he’s always ready and willing to listen and try to help me feel better.

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Your partner is there to support you through the good and the bad, and they can be a big help when you’re going through a tough time with your mental health. Communication is key in all aspects of a relationship, but it’s not always easy to communicate about your mental health with the person you love. Read on for some of the most effective ways to communicate about your mental health with your partner!   

Don’t be afraid to get vulnerable.

The best partner is one who makes you feel like you can be your true self around them. You’re comfortable with them seeing you at your worst, when you’re going through a low mood or feeling insecure. It’s okay to break down and be vulnerable with your partner, because if they truly love you, they will always accept you.

Dealing with mental health issues can make you feel vulnerable a lot of the time. My anxiety and depression makes me feel helpless and weak, and sometimes it’s hard for me to show that side of myself to my boyfriend. But whenever I do, he doesn’t judge me or tell me to toughen up. He helps me work through it so that I eventually start to feel better.

Don’t hide your vulnerability from your partner, because chances are, when you show that side of yourself to them, all they’ll want to do is help. 

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Be open about how you feel.

When I’m going through a tough time with my emotions, I often don’t feel strong enough to explain how I feel to anyone. So I’ll tell my boyfriend that it’s not a big deal and I hide how I really feel. This usually ends in disaster. My feelings build up inside my mind and I usually end up having an emotional breakdown or taking it out on him.

Neglecting to address and open up about how you feel can be detrimental to yourself and your relationship. I hate to admit it, but a lot of the disagreements and misunderstandings my boyfriend and I have had were a result of my inability to open up about my feelings when I’m with him.

Pretending your emotions aren’t there won’t make them go away. They’ll only come at you in full force. So instead of trying to hide them, be open about them with your partner. It might be tough, but I know from experience that the effort will all be worth it. 

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Be honest about what you need.

It’s important to be honest with your partner about what you need in any given moment, especially when it comes to your mental health. If you’re going through a tough time and you need to be alone, tell them. If you’re feeling helpless and lost and you really just need their help, tell them. Be honest, be open, and don’t be ashamed about what you need. 

I always make sure that I’m being honest with my boyfriend about what I need, especially when it comes to my anxiety and depression. It felt intimidating at first to admit to him that there were certain things I just needed to do to help myself feel better, but my honesty with him has never lead to a negative result. He gives me the time and space I need, and if all I need is him by my side, he’s there right away.  

Being honest about what you need from your partner will not only be a benefit to your mental health, but will also strengthen your relationship. Honesty is a key aspect of communication. Without honesty, there is no trust, and without trust, there can’t be a strong relationship.

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Ask for help when you need it.

If your partner truly loves you, they will be there for you no matter what, either physically or emotionally. They’ll always be willing to help you, so take advantage of that. Being in a relationship gives you a strong support system, but when you’re stuck in the overwhelming forces of mental health issues, it can be easy to forget that.

For most of our relationship, my boyfriend has lived in a city about two hours away from me. So most of the time, when I need his help, he can’t be there for me physically. But through the magic of technology, phone calls, and FaceTime, he can be there for me emotionally. It used to be hard for me to ask him for help, especially when we first started dating long-distance. I didn’t believe he could help me from so far away, and I didn’t want to make him feel bad for not being able to be here for me physically. But because we’re usually far apart, communication has become so important for us, especially when one of us needs help from the other.

No matter how close or far you are physically from your partner, never forget that they’re always there for you. Asking them for help can be a huge step forward in taking care of your mental health issues and helping yourself feel better.

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When explaining your mental health, take it slow, and forgive them if they don’t completely understand.

Mental health issues have become very common, but everyone’s experience is different. It can be discouraging to think that no one will understand exactly what you’re going through, especially when it comes to your partner. But I’ve realized that just because someone doesn’t completely understand your mental health issues doesn’t mean they can’t help you.

My boyfriend has never fully understood my anxiety or depression. This used to really bother me, and my frustration caused a lot of tension in myself and our relationship. When trying to explain things to him, I would give up really easily and push my issues to the side because I figured he would never understand. But the more comfortable I became with being open about my mental health, the more I realized that it’s okay if he doesn’t completely understand. I don’t need him to understand as much as I need him to just be there to support me.

If at first your partner doesn’t understand your mental health issues, take it slow when explaining it to them, and tell yourself it’s not a huge deal if they still don’t get it. It’s nearly impossible for anyone to really grasp someone else’s mental health struggles, so try to forgive your partner for not always understanding yours.  

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Fight the urge to hide any part of yourself.    

I believe one of the most important aspects of true love is being in a relationship with someone who you’re completely comfortable to be yourself with. Your partner should not be someone who makes you feel ashamed for being who you are. So it’s important to make sure that your partner is someone who you feel like you can be open with about all parts of yourself, especially your mental health issues.

When you struggle with anxiety, depression, or any other mental health issue, this becomes a big part of your daily life and identity. Just like any other part of who you are, your mental health is not something you should feel the need to hide from your partner. If they truly love you, they will accept all parts of you, including the state of your mental health.

Remember to always be yourself in your relationship. Don’t put on a performance or change who you are to better fit with the other person. If you’re hiding big parts of yourself like your mental health, it may be time to re-evaluate your place in your relationship and work harder at communicating together.

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These communication tips can apply to any loved ones in your life, including friends and family. But they’re especially crucial if you’re in a relationship. Your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse is your partner in life, so it can bring a lot of comfort to communicate with them about your mental health and get their support in return. I know it has been a big help in my own relationship, and I’m grateful that Andy and I have and still do put the work in to make sure our communication stays strong.

Always remember that when you’re going through a tough time with your mental health, you’re not alone. Reach out, be open, and communicate with those you love.

Have you gone through any mental health struggles while in a relationship? How did you navigate this with your partner? Let me know in the comments below!



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