
How to Prioritize Your Rest and Relaxation

When life gets busy, and you have a long to-do list, commitments you can’t keep track of, responsibilities you need to tend to, tasks you need to get done, gatherings and events to attend, and a never-ending stream of work to wade through, it can become pretty overwhelming. I bet even just reading that sentence got you feeling overwhelmed (I know it did for me). When life gets like this, it can seem impossible to find time to take a break, and you might feel like you need to sacrifice your rest and relaxation time in order to deal with everything else.

It can be hard to prioritize your rest, especially when you’re in a season of life that is particularly busy and stressful. You might even feel guilty for relaxing. But the reality is that your mind and body needs to rest so that you can feel recharged, rejuvenated, and ready to face another day.

Are you having trouble with prioritizing your rest and relaxation? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. With some mindset shifts and actionable strategies, you’ll be making rest and relaxation a priority in no time. So let’s get into it!

First, let’s talk about some important mindset shifts that’ll help get you started.

Remind yourself that you need and deserve to rest.

Simply telling yourself that you need to make time for rest and relaxation is an important first step to making it happen. It might take some practice to convince yourself, but keep at it, because the way you talk to yourself has a big impact on how you live your life.

Remind yourself that no matter what is going on in your life, whether you’re super busy or not, you deserve to relax. Relaxation is not a reward, it’s a necessity. Telling yourself you need and deserve to rest, and also reminding yourself of the benefits of rest, will help you make it a priority.

Related Post: 8 Ways to be Mindful During Times of Stress and Overwhelm

Release yourself of the “hustle” mentality.

It’s great to want to work hard, but I personally have trouble seeing the benefits of the “hustle” mentality that has become so common. I just don’t see any long-term value in it because it seems like the perfect way to go past your limits, ignore your boundaries, and run yourself down.

I might be wrong, but I truly don’t think you need to hustle to be successful. You don’t need to work 24/7, sacrifice the aspects of life that make you happy, or ignore your need to rest and relax. All of that will only lead to physical, mental, and emotional burnout. Releasing yourself of this hustle mindset will allow you to slow down and work smart. Taking breaks and prioritizing your rest and relaxation is a crucial part of that.  

Move away from the guilt.

Even the busiest of people need to rest. It’s a necessity of being human. But maybe you feel like resting is a waste of time, time that could be spent getting things done and being productive. When life is busy, it can be easy to fall into the trap of feeling guilty for taking time to relax.

If you struggle with this, you have to train yourself to move away from this guilt, because it’s no help and offers no value. Taking a break and making time to relax are not things you should feel guilty about, and you don’t have to resist your inherent urge to rest. Turn that resistance into acceptance that rest is a necessity, no matter how busy you are.

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Now that you’ve shifted your mindset about rest and relaxation, let’s get into some actionable strategies to help you make this a top priority.

Listen to your mind and body.

Listening to your mind and body will help you realize when you need to rest and relax. If you’re feeling sluggish, tired, overwhelmed, tense, heavy, lazy, or any other feeling or emotion that indicates you need to relax, take that as a cue to rest. Prioritize yourself, and you’ll prioritize your rest and relaxation. 

Set aside time for rest.

If you’re really into planning and you just need to have your days scheduled out, maybe setting aside time in your planner will be what it takes to actually make time for rest. Shift things around, write it out, and schedule your restful and relaxing activities into your calendar. Having it written out this way might just help you make it more of a priority. 

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Know your boundaries.

Sometimes, you just have to put in a lot of time, energy, and work to achieve your goals and get through certain aspects of life. But when you’re working hard, it’s important to keep your boundaries in mind, and try not to stray too far past your limits. Find a healthy balance, and always prioritize your rest as much as your prioritize your productivity.

Learn when to say “no”.

Saying “yes” to every opportunity, task, or commitment that comes your way is part of the “hustle” mentality. You might feel like saying no to certain things might make you come across as lazy or non-committal or untrustworthy. But saying “no” is often the healthiest thing you can do. Take advantage of opportunities that come your way as much as you can, but try not to take on more than you can handle.

Use relaxation techniques and activities to bring you a sense of calm.

Doing things that physically, mentally, and emotionally calm you down can put you in a good place to prepare yourself for rest and relaxation. Meditation, mindful breathing, yoga, reading, and taking a bath are just a few examples of relaxation techniques and activities. Do whatever works best for you so that you can prepare your mind, body, and soul to get the most out of your rest and relaxation.  

Related Post: A Basic Guide to Mindfulness

The world is becoming more and more fast-paced, and it’s becoming harder to escape from the obsessive need to always be doing something, accomplishing more, and constantly being our most productive selves. It’s great to be goal-driven and motivated, but we can all benefit from learning how to prioritize the art of slowing down.

Often, the most productive thing you can do is take a break and relax. Your body and mind will thank you for it.   

How do you prioritize your rest and relaxation? I’d love to know!



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